
Cadet Clubs & Organizations

Canon Crew

The Canon Crew operates “Jake”, our howitzer cannon, at all home IU football games.

Crimson Rifles

IU’s premier color guard participates in events on campus and throughout the state.

Tactics Club

The Tactics Club was formed to further develop small unit tactics and discuss current operational events throughout the world.

Ranger Challenge

A premier, varsity athletic level competition team that participates in a variety of mentally and physically demanding events throughout the Midwest. Participation is recognized by IU with a Varsity Letter.

The mission is to challenge Cadets’ mental and physical toughness and to develop leadership while fostering teamwork and esprit-de-corps. Teams form early in the semester and train rigorously nearly every morning of the week, all the way up until the Brigade Ranger Challenge Competition.

Teams participate in nine graded events and are awarded points based on how well they perform in each event. The number one team is The Ranger Challenge Winner for that year!

Scabbard and Blade

An ROTC Honor Society that tutors students and gives back to our community by participating in outreach events.

Bison Stampede

A fitness centric club involved in marathons, 10ks, and various athletic training events throughout Indiana.

Global Leadership

A club that focuses on leadership, cultural understanding, and opportunities around the globe.

Airbone School

Successful completion of airborne school entitles the cadet to wear the coveted Army Airborne Badge.

Mountain Warfare School

Mountain Warfare Training training is both physically and mentally demanding, and designed to make you an expert in mountain operations.

Air Assault School

Successful completion of this course allows the cadet to wear the coveted Air Assault Badge.